The author concludes his presentation of Odun lfa (Ifa festival) with an intimate account of the casting of Kolanuts. The remaining 240 minor odu ifa are derived from these 16 major odu. The previously mentioned 16 principle or major odu ifa are considered the pillars of the Ifa corpus. There are a total of 256 odu that make up the foundation of the Ifa religion. Each Odu contains more than one thousand verses.There are a total of 256. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Holy Odu : A Collection of Verses from the 256 Ifa Odu with Commentary by Fategbe Fasola (2015, Trade Paperback) at the best online. 256 odu Ifa refers to the complete collection of the Ifa corpus.

Ranging from Eji-Ogbe to Ofun Ose, there are two hundred fifty-six Odu. See more ideas about orisha, african spirituality, santeria. (PDF) Odu Ifa: The Ethical Teachings - ResearchGate significantly. Explore JüjüBE Keramiks board 'Ifa today, Ifa tomorrow', followed by 170 people on Pinterest. They are chapters of within the sacred corpus of Ifa, the messages of Olodumare (God Almighty). odu are oracles of the yoruba divination systems of obi ifa and merindinlogun the mysteries and teachings of ifa which are revealed in the divination, the eighteenth minor odu ifa sign is a combination of the first major odu ejiogbe and third. In the same Part II, the author discusses the language of lfa (Part II B) and follows immediately with a discourse on religious and philosophical ideas in lfa (Part II C), bringing Part II to a conclusion with a discussion of alternate views on translation and autograph (Part IID).The author proceeds in Part illto the stages of the Rites in lfa Worship and follows this with a presentation, in Yoruba – but with accompanying English translation of the 16 paired Odu of lfa(Part IV), Inaugural Odun (Part V) and Conjuration Odu (Part VI). MEANING ÀSEGBÍ (Resort) means to do anything without being questioned by anyone. Odu are the spiritual symbols that hold messages. Ifism-Cromwell Osamaro Ibie 1993 Oriki-Falokun Fatunmbi Oriki is the praise poetry and invocations of the Yoruba people. Related to Orunmila, Orisha, Ifa, Odu, Esu, Olodumare, and so on. This book is a Contextual Reference Guide that provides a brief synopsis into the overall energy of the Odu Ifa. oju-odu-merindinlogun 2/6 Downloaded from on Januby guest spread to worldwide importance. In this Noma Award Winner book, the author has organised his presentation of Odun lfa (Ifa Festival) in to ten parts – starting with preliminaries (Part I)followed by an Introduction (Part II ),in which the fundamental question: ‘What is lfa?’ Is addressed (Part IIA). Part of the messages of Ifa for Orunmila as stated by Oosa Oke was that on the day that he would be conferred with the title, six enemies would show up and would be praying negatively for Orunmila.